Everything in the human body is made of cells, lungs, heart, kidneys, blood, muscles,skin, hair. Absolutely everything. We have many different cells, skin cells, sperm cell, egg cell, red and white blood cells.
A cells consists of cell membrane, that acts like a wall, or a bubble that keeps everything inside the cell. Inside the "bubble" all the mitochondrias floates around in som fluid, and inside this "bubble" it's a nucleus, that consists of nuclear membrane, all the chromosomes is inside this nucleus.
Cloning means to create an identical copy of something.
When we talk about cloning, we mean to make one more of a thing.
Cloning is reproduction of a living being, or a part of a living being, identical with the same DNA as another living being. When using cloning we talk generally about the reproductive cloning of humans or animals
What can threaten our health?
The way we live our life can threaten our health. If we don't eat the things that we shall, we can get diseases. Other things that can threaten our health is, drugs, alcohol, tobacco, infections and stress. All of these things appear to be more threatening when you are pregnant because it can harm your baby to, and not only yourself. I think that today it is no problem to have a healthy pregnancy because you know what you can do, and what you can not.
Why is cloning a moral dilemma?
I dont think it's right to clone something, you are to one you are, and you are perfect, everyone are different, and that is the way it should be. It's also written in the Bible, You are the one you are, noe one are equal to you, and you are perfect.
Activity 2:
Skjelettet - The skeleton
Hjernen - The brain
Huden - The skin
Hjertet - The heart
Blodkar - The blood vessels
Lunger - The lungs
Magesekken - The stomach
Tarmen - The intestines
Leveren - The liver
Nyrene - The kidneys
Urinblæra - The bladder
Testikklene- The testicles
Eggstokkene - The ovaries
Livmoren- The uterus
Hjernen - The brain
Huden - The skin
Hjertet - The heart
Blodkar - The blood vessels
Lunger - The lungs
Magesekken - The stomach
Tarmen - The intestines
Leveren - The liver
Nyrene - The kidneys
Urinblæra - The bladder
Testikklene- The testicles
Eggstokkene - The ovaries
Livmoren- The uterus
Activity 3:
Hode - The head
Hals - The throat
Arm - The arm
Skulder - The shoulder
Overarm - The upper arm
Brystkasse - The chest thorax
Albue - The elbow
Bukhule - The abdomen
Underarm - The lover arm
Bekken - The pelvis
Hånd - The hand
Ben - The leg
Kne - The knee
Legg - The calf
Ankel - The ankle
Activity 4:
The skeletal system (skjelett systemet) - Holds you up and support you.
The circulatory system (sirkulasjons systemet) - Carries oxygen and nutrients around your body.
The Digestive system (fordøyelses systemet) - Let's you eat.
The Muscular system (muskel systemet) -Make you move.
The nervous system (never systemet) - Controls your body and let's you feel pain and pleasure.
The respiratory system (åndedrett systemet) - Makes you breathe.